SCC is the second most common skin cancer, and a rapidly growing type and may spread to other parts of the body. They tend to attain a very large size and can spread throughout the body if not diagnosed and treated early. They tend to arise in older patients, though can be seen at any age. They appear on sun-exposed skin, especially on bald scalps, ears and the backs of hands. They are also common on the lips, particularly in smokers. They appear as a warty thickened lump often ulcerating or bleeding.
What are the treatment options?
In general, treatment is surgical, although large lesions in awkward anatomical situations may be treated with radiotherapy. Superficial treatment such as imiquimod, Photodynamic Therapy and Cryotherapy are typically not appropriate. SCCs may spread to lymph glands requiring major invasive surgery.
Immunosuppressed patients, transplant recipients for example, who are on immunosuppressive anti-rejection drugs are particularly prone to develop SCCs.
SCCs may arise from Actinic Keratoses (AKs) which are regarded as precursor lesions or precancers. Treatment of AKs does tend to reduce the risk of subsequent SCCs.